Creating Servlet Applications


Before you begin to build Servlet applications, you should have read Defining data structures. Servlet applications use these "data objects" to read and write database tables.


To access large amounts of data, we typically need to navigate precisely through the data, select an entry and then modify it. For to see what we are talking about: Get an overview about how the sample application "Marketing" is created. Browse the screenshots with links to source and super class Documentation.Test live application at, Button "Test Sample Application".

What's remarkable?
The application has one single servlet that handles all reqests which extends de.must.markup.MainStd. It divides all requests into sessions, super classes of de.must.markup.SessionStd. Each session has a hierarchical mirror of the users open stuff.


The Servlet Application Principle

Element Description Representant
Servlet Main Central servlet for all requests. It separates sessions from each other and delegates the request to the appropriate Session object. de.jugs.cookbook.Main
Session Image of the session with its dialog stack. Each dialog is represented by an Invokable. de.jugs.cookbook.Session
Container Frame-like Container to enclose input-output fields like text fields with database field association. de.jugs.cookbook.CookbookAdministration
Fields Java objects, whose methods are similar to the Swing based objects in package de.must.markup. de.must.markup.DataTextField
Layouter Liberal creator of the markup tag sequence. Collects information from all actually active components including their state and layouts them. The layout may be replaced during the execution and may differ from session to session. de.must.markup.HostLayout


The stack control principle

The substantial class to control the stack of dialog steps is the Session class. This means branching to deeper dialogs and continuing the former dialog when finished. Also, dialog steps have do exchange information with each other to coordinate. How is this done?

  1. The session class invokes the root dialog step (dialog step 1).
  2. Dialog step 1 interprets user input and decides to cause dialog step 2. It creates submission info to be retrieved by dialog step 2 later.
  3. The session class invokes dialog step 2 as requested by dialog step 1 and informs it, that it was submitted by dialog step 1.
  4. Dialog step 2 retrieves detailled submission infos from dialog step 1
  5. After work is done, dialog step 2 causes the session to return to dialog step 1 by indicating a stack movement of -1.
This principle may be repeated in arbitrary amounts of stack tiers.

Developing a Server Application


Create a package of your choice.

Create Global

Create a Global class extending de.must.middle.GlobalStd. It is meant to contain all objects public for the entire application, e.g. the main database connection. --> Sample

Create Main

Create a Main class extending de.must.markup.MainStd. The only thing to do is to provide informations about global objects via getGlobal() and to indicate the Session class via getSessionClass(). --> Sample
This Main class is the one and only servlet used in the URL of the entire application.

Create Entitlement

Since Internet applications may be accessed by anyone, it is important to distinguish entitlements easily. The central method to regulate it is getLevel(int subjectArea). How does it work? The entitlement indicates the subject area of the wished dialog or process to be done. You may now decide, if the user is allowed to do it, and if so, which level. E.g. you indicate via level, that he may see data but not change it. Return the appropriate level to control it. --> Sample For getting started, you may at first always return LEVEL_ALL.

Create the Session Class

Define the "post action" and the application title via constructor. In the build() method there is an oportunity to do any individual stuff. At least you should set the following values there: Finally, you define the root dialog via baseInvoke(), this may be an Invokable or a MustMenuBar object. The Session class' build method determines the appearance of the server application. --> Sample

Create the MainMenu Class

The menus appearance is defined in the constructor of MainMenu. The root header is defined via setRootMenuDescription(). You may hierarchically create a menu tree by using the methods addMenu(), addSubMenu() and closeMenu(). Fill the menus with items via method addMenuItem().
addMenu() Creates a new top first level menu, former submenus are implicitly closed.
addSubMenu() Creates a new menu one level below the current menu.
closeMenu() Closes the current menu and allows to continue in the menu one level above.
addMenuItem() Adds a new menu item to the current menu. At the most frequent Dialogs are assigned here.
--> Sample

Create a ToolBar

The toolbar is not required, but useful. It is similar to the menu, but it has only one level. Using a toolbar option cancels the current dialog step. After the toolbar option is done, the control goes back to the root. --> Sample

Create Dialogs


You are ready now to develop your application by creating Dialogs and add them to the menu and the toolbar. Dialogs are invokeables, that control user interaction and stack movement upwards and downwards.

Administrating big entities

Unlike the handling in package wuic there are seperate dialog steps for enquiry and listing of data. Since internet applications often reduce access to read-only, additional components for browsing are used frequently. See de.must.markup.EntitlementStd and its subclass de.jugs.cookbook.Entitlement for how access control is provided.

The enquiry input is controlled by de.must.markup.Enquiry. --> (Screenshot)

The consequence of the enquiry is an overview of the matching entries with the opportunity to browse details or request modification, deletion among others. This functionality is provided by de.must.markup.DataList.html --> (Screenshot)

Browsing details
If the user clicks the item in the overview, he's going to browse the details of this item. This functionality is provided by de.must.markup.DataPropertyPresentation.  --> (Screenshot)

If authorized, the user may modify the entries by using subclasses of de.must.markup.DataPropertyAdministration. --> (Screenshot)

Administrating small entities (Screenshot)

Some entities have view rows and columns. They may be edited in a table sheet. In this case, use de.must.markup.DataTableAdministration as done in de.jugs.cookbook.TypeAdministration.
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